Friday, September 1, 2017

Campsites Lake Buyan

We select Camp in Campsites Lake Buyan, located in the village of Pancasari, Singaraja. Or the border between tabanan Regency and the Regency of buleleng. To go to the location of denpasar takes 1.5 hours (ride motor slowly, ekhm). The location is situated 1 km from bedugul Botanical Garden (corns statue). Penandanya is a marketplace pancasari imaginable statue fruit strawberries, next to the market there is a driveway to the West, then follow the road about 2.5 km you will reach the Campsite Lake Buyan. The course passable width, load the car entered kok here.

Very spacious campsites and is located beside the Lake. Beautiful scenery especially when already tired of the bustle of the city. According to the mother's merchant, this location is very crowded at holiday increase in class and is often used as a campsite for the persami, the student orientation and student ospek or family vacation.

The air that afternoon, very bright Flash of hatikuu * eeaaa * but ga is too hot because the air there is indeed notable. Then we choose the location of the flat and padded in order to sleep later that night. We directly put up the tent. Yaps, 1 tent for 4 people. Once that is done then to present offerings at some temples and in front of the tent.

The more the night turned out to be getting many people camping, I had time to count there are approximately 24 tent camping that night. If the median roll out 4 people per the hood then there is a 96 people who camp out that night.

The excitement of monitor people camping malem malem gini, there is a tent roasting chickens, some singing, we wrote in a tent anyway enjoy the evening by makingbonfires, roasted corn and while snooze is under a full moon * aw aw *. Throughout the night we spent 3 belt of firewood and 1 bottle of kerosene. Pretty frugal.

But unfortunately the next day rintik2 never rains subside. So ga got down a path in the Woods, just fishing and photo along the Lake.

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