Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Attractions In Indonesia Tirta Gangga

Garden Tourism Tirta Gangga Waterpalace Karangasem
Conditions in the area of tourism Tirta Gangga Waterpalace is very cool, this is because it is located right under the feet of Mount Agung, Bali's highest mountain. Coolness and keasriannya this is what makes visitors feel comfortable and welcome. The atmosphere at Tirta Gangga Waterpalace is very fitting to unwind, either physical or tired minds tired due to the exhausting daily activity.

This tour is not only characterized by the Balinese, but tourists who come from outside the area, not even a little bit of foreign tourists who contribute to enliven this place.

From the first time entering the main gate, visitors will be greeted by some of the sculptures that look like sports line up like soldiers. Tourists can walk on top of the pool through a path made of stone that are arranged in series to resemble the bridge. Stone arranged in a hexagon-shaped it. Besides being able to walk around the ponds, tourists can also take a photo of both selfie as well as pre-wedding. Part of this pool is indeed most fitting to photograph, because in addition to view natural ponds, sculpture statue that is in a pond will also enhance your background images and appear to have more character.

Not far from the pool, there's a Tirta Gangga Waterpalace small garden where at the venue there is a water tower as high as 10 meters. The tower is shaped like a temple, temple roof in the shape of plated lapis.

The water in the pond Tirta Gangga Waterpalace comes from the soil, not water refills as in swimming pools in General. According to the locals, this water is the usual holy water they use when making a traditional ceremony.

In addition to the pool containing the statue of the statue, tourism Tirta Gangga Waterpalace also has a swimming pool that allow tourists to swim there. A pond can be used for swimming is the Outdoor Air Sanih. The water in the pond is very clear Sanih, because it also comes from a direct source. Swimming area for children and adults on purpose to distinguish, due to the depth of the pool is different.

Design of building design on this tour are still thick with the character building of the Kingdom. The material used is generally made of stone padas.

When touring the garden already satisfied travelers can relax and swim at the restaurant located on the top. There is also the Center by selling different souvenirs typical unique Bali.

The History Of Bali's Karangasem Tirta Gangga
Tirta Gangga was originally built by Karangasem King Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut, Karangasem Supreme in 1946. The name "Tirta Gangga" comes from two words, namely Tirta and Ganges. Tirta means holy water, and the Ganges is a river in India. True to its name, this tour in the park there is a pond containing the holy water in it.

The Park has experienced renovations performed by local governments. The renovations done since before the Park was never damaged caused by the eruption of Mount Agung. Despite already undergoing renovation, it did not lose its distinctive character as an old heritage building of the Kingdom.

Location/Address Tirta Gangga Waterpalace Bali
Tirta Gangga is located at the eastern end of the island of Bali, in the village of Ababi, Kec. Brother, Kab. Karangasem. Tourism Tirta Gangga Waterpalace distance from Ngurah Rai International Airport is approximately 75 km and takes approximately 2 hours drive. If you depart from the airport, you can go directly to this tour.

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