Saturday, August 26, 2017


For those  lovers of adventure tourism who likes to explore the beautiful and unspoiled, then the sights like waterfalls Tukad Bangli Cepung this could be a destination for a walk the next. For nature tourism Bali waterfall is indeed a quite popular is the tourist area of North Bali like Gitgit waterfall, Sekumpul, Les, Melanting Munduk and is some places hits to date, but the scenery presented waterfall Tukad Cepung Bangli was able to present the natural beauty that is more special and couldn't you find at other places.

Tukad Cepung waterfall belongs to the new tourist attraction known in Bali, looking at the photos shown for sure for those lovers of nature tourism adventure would be very interested with what is presented by this place. As the latest tourist area in Bangli, this place is run by citizens and hold first settled to provide decent sights. Access road to the site of a waterfall that is located at the bottom of the Valley is quite good, although still pass trail, crosses a bridge made of wood and bamboo stalks, butaccess to the location where the Cepung waterfall it is quite easy.

To the parking of vehicles, a number of young men of the village dressed in adat bali, keeping this place direct you to where the waterfall Tukad Cepung, enter the areatourist attractions, while the ticket is free entrance fee, punia or seiklasnya donation, you can put money in a box punia provided, just as a reference only, if present (year2017) the average admission to tourist sites in Bali to Rp 10,000. Access driveway to the waterfall is not so difficult, because along the way there are already hints that directs visitors to the site.

The trip down the trail towards the waterfall Tukad Cepung very pleasant, natural shades along the way is quite beautiful in the natural wrap with cool, a point you can see the water flow is very clear and tempting. Can become an adventure tourism which is pretty special. Up at the bottom of the Valley you down the River in order to the place of destination, the beautiful cliffs of the river dibantaran into an attractive natural scenery, a glimpse of such a nature, a little bit draining although fairly easy to traverse

Down the River with a clear flow of water that comes from the Cepung waterfall, visitors also pass a narrow gap between the rocks, it becomes a fun adventure travel and rarely can you find, let alone after arriving at the end of the trip you are greeted by the sight of the spectacular waterfalls, high rock cliffs flanking it on the left side and right side of the River as a natural arch that makes the charm of the waterfall Cepung Bangli become quite special beautiful, uniqueand memorable.

The rocks of the surrounding nature, including high cliffs covered with MOSS, and beautiful tropical trees rimbunan combined with the charm of waterfalls as tall as 15 meters with the flow of the water is crystal clear, could make berdecak visitors in awe. The visitor can blend with nature, feel the fresh bath waterfall Tukad Cepung, breath of fresh air in a secluded place and away from the hustle of the city. Other activities you can do is a photo selfie, capture, store or divide your precious memories with other hobbyists nature tourism adventure. Vacation in Bali is very fun there is always a new tourist attraction that can be enjoyed by tourists.

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